Our Services
Auto/Motorcycle Insurance
We can provide you with coverage’s for you auto insurance all the way from the California state minimums, to the highest liability limits to better cover you and your family.
Homeowners Insurance
We offer many different preferred companies that we can place your homeowners insurance with, and also in most cases bundle them with your auto insurance to save you even more money.
Commercial Insurance
We deal with many major commercial insurance carriers that we can place all of your commercial insurance needs with.
Renting a house or appartment? Most renters do not realize with out renters insurance, none of their personal property nor any injury that happens at their living location would be covered. With renters insurance, you get to choose how much you want to cover your personal property, along with the limits for liability. Without renters insurance, well.. its really all on you.
DUIs / Sr-22
Have a DUI? Need an Sr-22 to get your license back? We can help! We issue instant Sr-22s so you can go straight to DMV and get your license back. Even if you do not own a car, we can issue you an Sr-22 to get your license back, and at the same time give you insurance to drive other individuals vehicles.
Young Drivers
With us, age doesn’t matter. We can insure individuals just getting their license for a great rate. First time drivers going through the license process can get pretty pricey. Our goal is to make provide you with the cheapest rate for your insurance, so you can get on the road. Getting your license is a happy moment in your life, so don’t stress with the insurance, leave it up to us!
Many preferred insurance companies will not insure drivers with moving violations, or will just simply increase your insurance rates to the max. Many of the carriers we write for are able to insure you no matter how many moving violations you may have, and also give you a great rate at the same time. It doesn’t matter how many tickets you have, we can find a great rate and a carrier to take you.
Unlicensed Drivers
Have a foreign license or no license at all? Doesn’t matter to us, we can still insure you.
We have coverage for all different kinds of boats at a very low cost. We can get you insured quick, while saving you money so you can focus on getting your boat on the water.
ATV / Toys
No matter what the toy is, we can insure it!
Low Down Payments
We know coming up with money to pay for insurance is often times difficult, and honestly just something everyone at times does not wish to do. Why spend a bunch of money on insurance when there are many other things we would love to spend it on? With that being said, our main goal is to get you and your family insured no matter what the circumstances are. We have many different programs and promotions to help get your insurance started no matter what time of the year it may be.
RV / Travel Trailers
Want coverage on your RV, fiftwheel, or travel trailer? We can help! We can provide you with the coverage you need at a very low cost so you can travel with a peace of mind.
Low Monthly Payments
We are licensed to write for the majority of insurance carriers in California. With that being said, we are able to find you the absolute cheapest rate for any of your insurance needs. We also offer many different discounts and programs to help lower your monthly payment even more!

Notary Public
Come see us for all of your notary needs.